puple rain
beaus ma debs and her partner in crime fritz opened up a new shop the other day with heaps of second hand goodness and stuff all throughout it, fritz bought over heaps of stuff from holland, so many cool things like an old old old-school wurlitzer jukebox that plays 45's, so dope... anyways i painted their sign the other day directly onto the shop, it's a design that their buddy andy whipped up going off the old prince album of the same name.... i think i did allright, it's crazy what's possible with spraypaint huh....
epic background!!....this type face is pretty weird tho.....
where is this shop?
yeah the type face is off the prince album cover, slightly changed up tho, debs' mate busted it out on photoshop, wasnt really my cup of tea either but it came out well...
and pezo, its between lonestar and the sex shop on princess st, hilarious painting it all day and seeing the types of peeps that frequent that shop next door haha, some tragic cases haha
It takes all types Nige...
yoyo howsit goin nigepants! looks as tho your keepin your feet & hands busy, good to see! im in nelson, headin to marahau tomorrow to catch a water taxi to start my new job on a boat-that-is-a-backpackers in anchorage bay in the abel tasman. yuss! its gona be epic, got a few friends workin round the area so should be a blast. come relax& have some fun in the sun ! peace out ! x v
U should do the sex shop next door " PURPLE VEIN "
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