well well well, it's monday and i'm not entirely sure where friday, saturday or sunday went... i think friday was real hung-over, did nothing, tried to go to school but brain wasn't up to it, i think i tried printing a couple of photos too but i had a mare and went home in a grump... saturday was a creative day, touched up my piece i did down XIIB alleyway coz when i did it i got progressively drunker so by the time i got to the outline i thought i was an absolute ninja but in reality i was only partially the drunken master i thought i was, and it was dark, so sure enough the touch ups were needed. then went to the leith and nearly completed my latest masterpiece down there... looking good noel... then it was work, SBKs 8th birthday, thumping D&B all night long, loved it, got a bit razzled, some cheeky ladies - but there always is, home at 10am, slept all sunday till 8pm, up for two movies, bongs, then bed... and before i know it it's monday...
anyways, these are the two pictures i tried to print on friday... epic gnarliness... top one is josh squash (or morphius to the aussies out there) bonelessing into the blood bucket in mornington, fucking hell, not just any old boneless but a gnarly as fuck jump as high as you can boneless - holy... next is nic hart leaping bath st in a single bound, oh my god, so fast into this aye.... easy, peace...