dunedin antics

graff, street art, photography, duds city what... but now that i'm in auckland, we'll have some auckland shizz in there now huh... yeayah....

Thursday, January 24, 2008


so i decided to start another blog coz this one is getting kinda full and there is WAY to much graff up here that'll fill up my duds antics one... so 'A duds eye on aucks' has been created, i'll leave duds antics to loverly scenic shots and adventures, graff in the new... laters homies

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

a canvas for my girl

her dog scratch, love how this came out...

you can go to the zoo in aucks...

what to do in auckland....

drink cocktails, eat, walk dogs, drink and eat more, and take photos of the sky tower haha

strictly coffee FINALLY!!!

finished, that is all, go look...

i like, art huh

last of duds street shit before i left... i miss it

before leaving duds...