graff, street art, photography, duds city what... but now that i'm in auckland, we'll have some auckland shizz in there now huh... yeayah....
well it's tuesday again, but this time i'm thinkin school's gonna win, large format photography and studio lighting at the mo - epic, precisely the reason i go to school, i'll put some pictures on for myself soon, fingers crossed i'm a wizz - so yeah, not gonna go out tonight sorry phil, yeah i know i'm a pussy, all good noel, work to do tonight and work to do tomorrow, churr... went to atiba's site last night, mean photographer, mean... library calls, peace
multiply these ginlemonlimes by about a million... that was my week last week... as i said earlier - HOLY.
shit was pretty epic, draining tho, and school lagged excessively... e.g. missing hand-in on friday, big trouble apparrantly, well i did get home at 6:30am, i kinda new i wouldn't be getting up at 7:30 aye... accidental boozy bar staff haha... then there was friday night, whoopsie, concord dawn, charging hard, home at 10:30am, paro... write off for saturday... etc, etc...
hi, me again... not as many gins as i thought last night, for the best i think aye... blah, fed my face on junk... fatty. well not yet, but soon... semi unproductive of late, duffs been sketching up a storm, phil drew on 3 t-shirts yesterday, puffer pen stee... philip james frost - M.V.P. - and then there's me, lagging, appropriating my ass off haha, whatever noel... always yr own worst critic...
hello computer you wanker... i just wrote the mean spiel about my weekend and the week ahead, but the computer was a cunt and timed out when i tried to publish it... so everyone including me misses out due to technical difficulties.....FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK... bye
well another weekend of shirkin responsibilities... should hav gone to the kindergarten and painted more on the mural, community service stee - but didn't... should have txtd a young lady and explained myself - didn't... shouldn't hav drunk that goon sack - did... etc etc etc... all good.
early morning, frost, school by half 8, not bad noel, not bad. too many late nights for my own good, brain frazzled, a bit loopy... the printshop printer was a cunt and chewed heaps of my images, shit took ages... aaah, the reality of ones life compared to others, imagine if i was in lebanon right now.... no thanks... it's not beer o'clock yet, patience noel...