dunedins truest crew production

hey all, well school took the backburner for 3 days while we painted the mad production down wilkie rd for transrail/dcc... fucking epic times with the crew, chillin thru the wind and the rain happily painting, nonstop praise from passerbys, random presents, the police called on us twice by concerned stupid stereotype filled citizens who saw the spraycans and concluded it was a huge mass tagging operation... we all busted new shit and learnt some new techniques along the way, part1 of many to come we're hoping... alicia came on the second day and started a piece around the corner a wee bit, her style is awesome, totally her own, we need more girl writers!!! they have their own touch... it still has a couple of finishing touches to add before its done, plus the snell roundhand text up top... Dunedins Truest Crew!!! fingers crossed the south D bandits keep their marks off it, penz, weasy and remize, stay away... it's funny, my mind isn't on school at all at the moment, all i wanna do is paint.... peace